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The Michael McIntyre Chat Show

Mire aquí en Telealacarta.es el capítulo de The Michael McIntyre Chat Show del 17-03-2014.

The Michael McIntyre Chat Show

The Michael McIntyre Chat Show on BBC1 is a weekly show that sees stand up comic Michael McIntyre, interview three guests from the world of the media. We feel we have seen all this before, but this show has an unusual difference in that Michael seems completely out of his depth within this format.
Mr McIntyre does have a large desk, which he sometimes sits behind, and a guest to chat with but looks almost panic stricken when he has to get his guest to open up and chat. It all feels a bit like watching an accident about to happen! 
Michael McIntyre is best on a one to one basis doing his routine in which he plays a sort of buffoon. You can imagine him as a child at a birthday party prancing around and covered in jelly, announcing to everyone “I am a birthday cake”. 
If you are confused by this then so is Michael who without being the centre of attention seems confused by what he is supposed to be doing there. Michael McIntyre is much better at interacting with an audience on a one to one basis where his comedy shtick is easier to perform. 
The problem seems largely due to the chat show format he finds himself in. This works well for the likes of Grahame Norton and legendary interviewer Michael Parkinson who are both able to draw out some character and insight from their guests However Michael McIntyre ‘s act just doesn’t fit in with this format leaving him floundering when he has to actually find out what his guests do. 
In all, the Michael McIntyre chat show on BBC 1 is not going well and at the time of writing, no follow up series is planned after viewing figures have dropped weekly. He is reported as receiving £500,000 to front the series but we can’t see this continuing. That said, the Michael McIntyre chat show certainly worth a look, albeit for the wrong reasons but do not expect it to be around for long. 
Catch up with The Michael McIntyre Chat Show via youriplayer.co.uk 

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