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Winter Olympics

Mire aquí en Telealacarta.es el capítulo de Winter Olympics del 17-02-2018.

Winter Olympics

This year the BBC is offering its audience what it claims will be the best Winter Olympics coverage ever. An expected global audience of hundreds of millions will watch more than two thousand athletes compete in winter sports and the opening ceremony promises to be a major highlight.

Catch up with the Winter Olympics via your iplayer co.uk and experience all of this World Event.

The Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony airing on BBC Two, is an opportunity for the host nation to showcase its culture and achievements. It is always an awe- inspiring spectacle. The Olympic flame has travelled an immense distance and this time even found itself taken into space so it seems the Russians are going all out for records even before the games begin. The opening ceremony culminates when this well travelled torch finally ends its journey and lights the flame to start the games. tby47tvt

The Russian Winter Olympics promise to be one of the most expensive events ever staged. The amount of time, money and effort already lavished on the project has also been labelled as spectacular. However, the Games have caused controversy around the world not least because the Black Sea resort of Sochi has an unusually warm climate for any Winter Olympic Games and there have been allegations of corruption. Despite this, the Russian President Vladimir Putin has been very vocal about his support for the games and has been a great promoter and supporter since they were awarded to Russia. 

Catch up with the Winter Olympics via your iplayer co.uk and experience all of this World Event. 

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