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Mire aquí en Telealacarta.es el capítulo de Hinterland del 22-05-2014.


Hinterland on BBC4 is an atmospheric crime drama set in Wales and follows on in the tradition of all those foreign language drama series set in Scandinavia. Unbelievably this time it’s all got even weirder. Wales may be closer to home but this drama is as far away from urban Britain as you could possibly get. 
One thing is the language. This area of Wales is Welsh speaking so for lovers of crime with subtitles you get the bonus of having subtitles for Welsh and the language gives an added impact to the drama.
Hinterland follows DCI Tom Mathias (Richard Harrington) recently arrived in the area and his cheery sidekick Marad Rhys (Mali Harries) as they become involved in murder investigations. These dark tales combined with the stunning bleak Welsh landscape, old stone walls and modern bungalows convey haunting undertones. 
Mathias and Rhys become embroiled in situations that often have the roots of current crimes laid down over decades.
Hinterland on BBC 4 has been critically acclaimed after being shown in Wales and now has impressed UK audiences too. The show has already been bought by the Danish TV station who made the Killing and seems likely to be reaching a wider audience than its BB4 setting suggests. Hinterland is a quality programme that should not be missed.
Catch up with Hinterland via youriplayer. If you are already a fan, you will already know that you can’t afford to miss a single episode! 

Mire aquí directamente todos los capítulos de Hinterland. Todos los capítulos del programa de televisión Hinterland en Telealacarta.es.

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